Thursday, May 19, 2016

Facet of Recreational Marijuana

For simple definition recreational drug means a drug used without medical justification for its psychoactive effects often in the belief that occasional use of such a substance is not habit-forming or addictive. Non-problematic or recreational marijuana use is generally understood to be the use of marijuana without any negative consequences for the user or for other people.

Characteristics of recreational marijuana use include:

*Marijuana use is very occasional, and is not a regular or frequent way of spending one’s time –- more time is spent on other activities that are considered more important.

*The marijuana user has the ability to decide to use or not use marijuana when it is available and freely offered –- there is no particular compulsion to use.  

*The marijuana user has the ability to use only a small amount of marijuana with a mild effect, with no particular desire to "get stoned."  

*The use of marijuana is purely recreational in a social context -– it is not "needed" to induce relaxation, or carry out day-to-day functioning, such as stimulating the appetite, engaging in sexual activity, or completing bowel movements.  

*Excessive amounts of money are not spent on marijuana, and other essential purchases, such as food, household bills, and clothing, are not sacrificed in favor of marijuana.  

*Marijuana is not used in a way that can cause short- or long-term negative health effects. (

The dream of legal marijuana as it is being sold to the American public is that it will not only give states a chance to reap a tax windfall off of a drug millions of Americans already use; it will end the back-and-forth tussle among cops, users, and dealers, and shift police resources to more serious crimes.

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