Shatter — also known as wax, sap, budder, and a number of other nicknames, depending on the presentation — is a type of cannabis concentrate that resembles honey or taffy. Shatter is smooth, clear and solid. It is the purest and most potent form because it involves a second extraction process that removes fats, lipids and waxes. This can result in over 80 percent THC. It is consumed by melting the honey-colored brittle form and smoking it with a vaporizer, a method known as “dabbing” by marijuana enthusiasts.It typically looks like honey with varying degrees of transparency and color profiles. When this type of concentrate is warm, it has a consistency actually quite similar to very thick honey. When it’s cold, its consistency is more similar to glass. It shatters just like glass does if it is dropped or tapped, hence the term “shatter”.
For the ultimate high, concentrate fans use a “rig” – a glass water pipe similar to a bong with a titanium or glass “nail” where the bowl would be. A blow torch or electric heating element is then used to heat the nail to the optimal temperature (575 – 625℉) and when the concentrate is touched to the nail, it is vaporized instantly and inhaled by the user through the mouthpiece. There are many ways to enjoy concentrates, but using an oil rig is the most common method for vaporizing shatter.
Dabbing, the act of smoking concentrates, is not for the faint of heart. The high from a dab can be like getting high for the first time, even for the more experienced smokers. If you are dabbing for the first time, start small and explore the way you feel. After all, as the saying goes, “a little dab will do ya!”
Great! It sounds good. Thanks for sharing.. ect mico